Autonomous Operations is the next generation of IT automation

Autonomous Operations (AO) moves enterprise IT Ops from the legacy, rules-based solutions of the past to a fully autonomous future. AO eases the burden on IT Ops by dramatically improving time to resolution, increasing service availability, and driving down operational costs. AO ultimately helps your IT teams support and accelerate your digital transformation initiatives.

Five Stages of Incident Management

IT incident management spans five discrete stages: detection, prioritization, investigation, remediation and escalation.

AO uses advanced Machine Learning to deliver autonomous responses to your IT incidents throughout this lifecycle. For some incident types, AO can handle all incident management stages autonomously. Incidents that can’t be autonomously resolved are escalated to Level 1 teams for resolution. You can also configure AO to bypass Level 1 teams, and escalate certain incident types directly to Level 2 or Level 3 teams based on your organizational structure and workflows.



Configurable Autonomy

Each enterprise and IT Ops team knows the best way to customize and adopt technology to match its unique needs. In the context of AO, it is important that each team is able to adopt AO at its own pace and choose different levels of autonomy for different needs of its organization.

This is why AO platforms allow your IT Ops teams to configure the level of automation (M/L assisted vs. fully autonomous) that works for them. Further, AO platforms enable this granular control at the organizational, application and service levels.


Autonomous Maturity Model

Similar to autonomous cars that have evolved from manual to automation-assist to a path to fully autonomous driving, AO is leveraging advanced Machine Learning techniques in its rapid evolution. Today. AO Platforms perform autonomous incident management where possible and request human intervention when required.

In the next couple of years, AO Platforms will perform autonomous incident management under most conditions and request human intervention only under extreme circumstances. Beyond that, AO platforms will mature to perform autonomous incident management under all conditions.

Key Tenets of Autonomous Operations

There are three tenets of Autonomous Operations.

Autonomous Operations platforms must incorporate Machine Learning throughout, provide an integration hub that ties together all of your existing IT tools, and provide an autonomous layer that is capable of managing your incidents throughout their lifecycle.