Turn siloed data into situational awareness for faster investigation

AI-powered Incident Management from BigPanda helps teams investigate incidents faster.

Streamline incident investigation with Biggy AI

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Improve service reliability and reduce revenue loss

Use generative AI to help Incident Management teams troubleshoot incidents faster, improve decision-making, and reduce response times.

Accelerate incident investigation

BigPanda Biggy AI makes every operator an expert. Provide your Incident Management teams with complete situational awareness to help improve decision-making and resolve issues faster.

BigPanda Biggy AI gives incident management teams AI-powered situational awareness.
BigPanda enables incident management teams to prioritize and assign incident remediation within seconds.

Respond faster and meet SLAs

BigPanda ensures business services and applications perform at the highest levels to safeguard SLA adherence and maximize revenue. Give your Incident Management teams access to actionable insights to improve service reliability.

Improve customer experiences and brand reputation

Turn siloed observability, change, topology data, and institutional knowledge into situational awareness. BigPanda Root Cause Analysis helps Incident Management teams resolve issues faster, improving customer experiences and safeguarding brand reputation.

Shorten and simplify incident investigation with BigPanda Root Cause Analysis.
BigPanda Unified Analytics helps incident management teams identify and eliminate repeat incidents and improve processes.

Measure performance and prevent future incidents

BigPanda Unified Analytics helps measure KPIs, identify and eliminate repeat incidents, reveal monitoring gaps, and reduce end-user ticket volume.

Analyst report - EMA Research: Incident management and prevention - Download now

Leading enterprises rely on BigPanda

Zayo Logo

“BigPanda gets us to the root cause of an incident quicker, which ‌improves MTTR, delivers a better customer experience, and allows us to scale better using technology, not headcount.”

Gamma logo

“Not only can we see the alerts, but we can evaluate them using correlation that recognized patterns, connected alerts, and led to fewer incidents.”

IHG Hotels & Resorts

“By leveraging BigPanda, we can ensure the highest level of availability by making sure that we are aware of issues in our environment and can resolve them quickly.”


How does BigPanda use AI to improve incident management processes?

BigPanda uses Generative AI to automatically provide additional incident insights and context, enabling Incident Management teams to respond more effectively and resolve incidents faster, whether teams are working in BigPanda, their ITSM platform, Slack, or Microsoft Teams.

How does BigPanda improve service reliability?

Using machine learning to correlate alerts, changes, and topology data, BigPanda detects issues as they emerge. Early detection reduces the frequency and impact of outages to improve service reliability. If outages occur, BigPanda surfaces the root cause and routes the incident information to the right teams for rapid resolution without escalation.

How does Biggy AI accelerate incident management?

BigPanda Biggy AI combines telemetry data, service history, and historical team knowledge integrated from open, agnostic sources and augments it with GenAI. Incident Management teams can utilize Biggy AI to better understand incidents and streamline collaboration, enabling proactive responses before incidents affect users and customers.